Easy craft ideas, may cause messes, usually end with a finished product, always with children smiling!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I is for Ice cream
This sweet idea I also got from the blog No Time for Flashcards! Materials needed are tan and pink construction paper, cotton balls, hole punch circles, glue. Cut out the I shape and draw lines on it to look like a cone. Glue on pink 'ice cream' cotton balls and decorations. My daughter did not want cotton balls so she used tiny hearts to decorate her ice cream!
My name is Colleen and I am married to my wonderful husband Roy. Together we have three amazing and beautiful children! Emma is nine years old, Abigail (or Abby) is seven and Jesse is five. I was a stay at home Mom with a daycare, but now that all my children are in school I have rejoined the workforce and work as a TA in a Kindergarten class. I enjoy doing arts and crafts with the children and I get many fun ideas from the internet! I started this blog to share ideas, keep track of what we have done and what has worked and what has not been so enjoyable!! I was away from the blogging world for far to long but now I am excited to be back!! Thank you for coming by to read, feel free to steal ideas! I would love to hear your comments or ideas!
My Family Blog
I have a family blog where I try to keep up with my three fast growing munchkins. Feel free to go by and check it out too! http://busybeewiththree.blogspot.com/
My Three Munchkins!!!
Emma Abby Jesse
My Favorite Kids Blogs and Some VERY creative women!! Thank you for your ideas!!
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